Jasmine Rose Morrell on Odyssey Jasmine Rose Morrell
Jasmine Rose Morrell

Jasmine Rose Morrell

Username: jasminemorrell

Joined in August 2017

  • About

    The Odyssey is quickly becoming a strong community with a voice, but the great thing about it is that it isn't one specific voice; it's many different voices and many different perspectives drawing attention to issues which are important to this generation. I've always loved hearing different viewpoints and trying to understand the thought behind them, even if I don't necessarily agree with that view. However, I feel more and more like people are trying so hard to please those around them and "love" well, which is no doubt important... the problem is that often times I think the truth of what people actually feel and think is buried by their desire to please others. There is a balance to be found between loving others in a feel good way, and also loving others in a not as comfortable but honest way. Both are important. Grace is important, but so is truth, and there is room for both to work together in beautiful tension. I want to write with the unique purpose of encouraging others with grace and the reminder that they aren't alone, but also with the purpose of speaking boldly when it's necessary. I want to continue seeking out the tension between grace and truth and admire the beautiful things along the way.

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