Guillermo Camarillo on Odyssey Guillermo Camarillo
Guillermo Camarillo

Guillermo Camarillo

Username: guillermocamarillo

Joined in August 2017

  • About

    Born and raised in Chicago's West-Side neighborhood, La Villita, I came to embrace my culture and my passion to pursue a higher education. My parents, two undocumented immigrants, raised me with virtues that have helped me get this far in life. I come from a family of five; I am the middle child of a total of three brothers. My interests are in STEM fields and I have a strong passion for being involved in my community. I also have a strong passion for advocating for accessibility to education, advocating for immigrant rights, and overall for advocating for those that don't have a voice in society. I will speak out, whether or not people like it. I will be the voice of the voiceless. Brace yourself because there is much more to come.

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