Elizabeth Sturgeon on Odyssey Elizabeth Sturgeon
Elizabeth Sturgeon

Elizabeth Sturgeon

Username: esturgeon

Joined in August 2017

  • About
    I enjoy noticing things that go unnoticed. I love writing, and I love writing things in my notebooks about what I observe and how they are so interesting. I like finding universal truths in thought-to-be-irrelevant subjects like popcorn kernels, and I somehow thrive by exploring the corners of my community where people act quietly behind-the-scenes. However, keeping these thoughts to myself is keeping them unnoticed. The Odyssey is a platform that I have learned about in college, and I love the freedom it presents and how it successfully gets ideas out into the world. It is more than an individual blog; it's a community that grows together in order to find more readers and more listeners. I want to truly speak, and The Odyssey would be an incredible opportunity for me, especially since I have been looking for a way to get involved in a writing-centered community.

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