Bryce Kadrlik on Odyssey Bryce Kadrlik
Bryce Kadrlik

Bryce Kadrlik

Username: bkadrlik

Joined in August 2017

  • About

    Pronouns: Et/oer/oers/oerself, et/et/ets/etself, or just my name.

    I'm nonbinary (genderflux), hard of hearing, have ADHD/depression/anxiety, demisexual/romantic, low income, white with a very Czech background. I refer to every heron or crane as a bukač. It's the only word in Czech with an English translation that I instinctively use. Thanks, grandma! I'm in college currently, majoring in Computational Philosophy (not as complex as it sounds, trust me) and minoring in Gender, Sexuality, and Women's Studies. I love video games, short walks on the beach, and more video games.

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