Anne Marie Merrill on Odyssey Anne Marie Merrill
Anne Marie Merrill

Anne Marie Merrill

Username: anniemerrill

Joined in August 2017

  • About

    Hi! My name’s Annie. I post about all sorts of things-myself, music, composition, food, life in general, and anything else that interests me. I hope these topics interest you. After all, the most important part about my posts is that you want to read them.

    About me… The boring stuff. I am currently 22 years old, and I spent the past year living in Würzburg, Germany. Yup, living in Germany. I was there for a year as an exchange student and I am about halfway through my stay. I am originally from the USA. I grew up in Arvada, Colorado, a suburb of Denver. In August 2012, I moved to Albuquerque, New Mexico to study music at the University of New Mexico. I study composition, and intend someday to be a successful as a composer in the increasingly technical world.

    Now, even though I live alone, I still have a family. I am the oldest of four, having two younger sisters, Katie and Rose, and a brother Stevie. They are sometimes a pain, but I love them nonetheless. We have many animals. I love animals. I know two of our dogs, Foxy and Cocoa. The third, Sloane, my family adopted after my move to Europe, so I’ve never met him. There are also two black cats, Tanzy and Ebony. Ebony is really fat! There are some other animals like birds and fish that I don’t care so much about. Maybe I’m just a mammal person. Haha!

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