Amanda Hayman on Odyssey Amanda Hayman
Amanda Hayman

Amanda Hayman

Username: amandahayman

Joined in August 2017

  • About

    As a writer it is a passion of mine to share my thoughts and ideas with the world. As a writer I also see things differently, with a creative eye that is always looking for a story to share. I grew up and am currently living on Long Island, a place where I believe new stories are being told everyday about things I am passionate about. Summer beach trips, hiking through parks, being so close to New York City yet far enough to enjoy the quiet and read a good book on a summer afternoon. These are the things that inspire me to write and drive me the write loudly. As a Creative Writing Major and student journalist for my university I am always trying and studying new ways to allow my voice to be heard and to share other's voices as well. That is why I am interested in writing for the Odyssey, to share my stories ad hope others are inspired by them just as they inspire me.

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