Rebekah Frazier on Odyssey Rebekah Frazier
Rebekah Frazier

Rebekah Frazier

Username: rebekahfrazier

Joined in August 2017

  • About

    I am a young African American women who is zealous for God and sold out to helping other change their lives. I want to empower others to live boldly for Christ through the knowledge of the Word of God. I am convinced that when you have a foundation from the Word, no one or nothing can deceive you into believing otherwise. I want to help others, especially the younger generation, understand that you don't have to be conformed to societies standards. That no part of you is a mistake and you are a product of a intricate, unique, well thought out design. That everyone is fearfully and wonderfully made by God. I want to live boldly for Christ and be an agent of change everywhere I go. I want to love people not just with my words but with my actions and live up to the full potential that God has placed on the inside of me. I am confident and unashamed and I will change the world and fulfill the call of God on my life no matter what the cost. That is why I am who I am.

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