Paige Skinner on Odyssey Paige Skinner
Paige Skinner

Paige Skinner

Username: paigeskinner

Joined in August 2017

  • About
    My name is Paige Skinner and I am a sophomore at Edinboro University. I major in Psychology but I am also a member of the Women's Lacrosse team. I love the small school, family feeling that Edinboro has to it because I come from a small town. I am a psychology major with a criminal justice minor. After graduation I am hoping to take a year off before Graduate school to work and travel. I eventually want to receive my masters in counseling and counsel in a state prison. This is my passion because I believe that so many people in prison are put there for reasons that are out of their control. I want to do something that makes a difference, and makes me happy. I love my two dogs and my little sister more than words can describe and I believe that a little kindness goes a long way. Someday I hope that I can say I have made a positive impact on the world, no matter how small it may be.

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