Nathan Daniel McCraw on Odyssey Nathan Daniel McCraw
Nathan Daniel McCraw

Nathan Daniel McCraw

Username: ndmccraw

Joined in August 2017

  • About

    Daniel McCraw was born in a place and then lived in another and has gone to school in four places. And that’s all you need to know about that at this point. What lies inside, the dirt and bells and whistling mystic monkeys, are what makes Daniel Daniel. He is, above all else, a person who loves other things: people, images, words, off-brand Dr. Pepper, and his recycled water-bottle pen. He hopes to find happiness in all endeavors but knows that the best goals are those which will never be obtained. He thanks the giants’ shoulders for being broad and hopes that his own will provide a stepping stone up for someone else. This is Daniel McCraw in words on a page on a screen to a crowd through a voice in a thought through a mouth in a mind through an ear. Now, all that’s left is to hear.

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