Natalie Dowzicky on Odyssey Natalie Dowzicky
Natalie Dowzicky

Natalie Dowzicky

Username: nataliedowzicky

Joined in August 2017

  • About

    I am from suburbia Philadephia, unique right? I lived in the same house my whole life, until I came to Richmond. I have three older siblings who have molded and continue to mold me into the person I am today. They are the best role models a youngest sister could have. I went to a small private school, again unique right? However, the years I spent there really helped me to focus on what I wanted to do with my life. This could be where I insert some philosophical meaning of life, however my career options change on a daily basis. As of right now I have aspirations to be a immigration lawyer which is mainly why I endure through those brutal Spanish classes. I want to write for the Odyssey because I am a person who loves to debate, to discuss, to write, and to argue. I tend to keep up with the news and I also love interpreting it in my own way.

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