Kirsten Nicole Lucas on Odyssey Kirsten Nicole Lucas
Kirsten Nicole Lucas

Kirsten Nicole Lucas

Username: kirstenlucas

Joined in August 2017

  • About

    Truthfully writing biographies gives me a bit of anxiety. Mainly because I don't know what to put and what to leave out. Which is how I am in reality. I'm always either one or the other, at the same time. I think that has something to do with the fact that my star sign is a Gemini. You know what they say about us Gemini's, we have two personalities in one body. But trust me, I'm not crazy like all of the other Gemini's out there . . . (says every other Gemini). Other than my star sign, the basics of me are my passion for reading, writing, crafting and K-Pop; in that order. I am very simple but complex, I don't talk much but I can be very loud and I may seem difficult to handle but I'm easy to please.

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