Jung Hur on Odyssey Jung Hur
Jung Hur

Jung Hur

Username: junghur

Joined in August 2017

  • About

    I want to convey the perspective of me. Jung Hur. I am a first generation student who was born in Korea but had to quickly adapt to New York at the age of 8. I have lived in different communities and had the chance to learn the ideas of every demographic boundary. I enjoy looking at events from the perspective of those going through them because, at some point, I probably went through them too. I want to deliver the messages of the hardships of being an immigrant, an alien, and an outsider. But I also want to share my experiences of travelling the US on a train, and discovering unknown nooks and crannies of New York. I believe the Odyssey will allow me to share my thoughts and that I will help Odyssey expand their platform through my perspective.

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