Haley Voss on Odyssey Haley Voss
Haley Voss

Haley Voss

Username: haleyvoss

Joined in August 2017

    I am currently attending Southeast Missouri State University, yet next year I will be transferring to Missouri State University to pursue a career in the music industry. I will get a degree in entertainment management and a minor in communications. I want to get involved in their entertainment management club and the on campus radio station. I took a creative writing class my senior year of high school. My teacher helped me find my passion for writing as it gave me a way to express my thoughts, feelings, and imagination. My first semester of college has been nothing like I expected. I planned on coming to SEMO to participate in Greek life and theatre. I would be following my high school hobbies and interests. I quickly found out this wouldn’t be the path I would take. I am a living example that college is a time to truly find yourself and follow your dreams no matter how difficult times may be. I have what I believe are relatable stories that need to be shared.

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