Cam Wilkins on Odyssey Cam Wilkins
Cam Wilkins

Cam Wilkins

Username: cameronwilkins

Joined in August 2017

  • About

    Last semester I left Southern California to study in Vienna, Austria where I gained a hearty appreciation for my homeland's winter heat and a plethora of other transatlantic perspectives. I tell people that I was born in the ocean (though in actuality it was just a boring hospital). I'm an avid surfer and swimmer, which is a major part of why I am at Point Loma. But what really made it a perfect match is it's faith based community. There is a aura of joy and peace here that is rarely found in such high concentration.

    I have a heart for ministry at the margins of society. For two years now I've helped lead Point Loma's Homeless Outreach group, where I've spent my time with a demographic that has very little but still chooses positivity. This lesson and many others that students can take away from Homeless Ministry always keeps me coming back (not to mention the friends I've made).

    I've been journaling my thoughts and situations ever since I could write. Within the past couple years I've been able to turn my entries into short stories and creative pieces that I am very proud of. Writing will always be on of my passions!

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