Adam Stornaiuolo on Odyssey Adam Stornaiuolo
Adam Stornaiuolo

Adam Stornaiuolo

Username: adamstornaiuolo

Joined in August 2017

  • About

    My name is Adam and as you can tell from that (amazing) profile picture, I'm an avid coffee drinker. I live just outside of Boston in a town called Winthrop and just recently came out to my family so here I am, living life and being as gay as possible. I love all things Kardashian-Jenner, Beyonce or Starbucks related. And since you're all wondering, yes......I'm single and waiting for my future husband to come sweep me off my feet but in the meantime, you can find me nestled in my down comforter waiting for a text back (he will text back right?!).

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