Clara Ana Ruplinger on Odyssey Clara Ana Ruplinger
Clara Ana Ruplinger

Clara Ana Ruplinger

Username: clara_ana

Joined in August 2017

  • About

    I was born in Louisville, Kentucky, and have spent most of my life there. Since I was 8 years old I lived with my grandmother as my parents both struggled with drug addiction. I have a brother and sister I love dearly, but don't see enough, as we all lived in different homes throughout our lives. I draw strength from my past as I continue to grow and change into the person I am today.

    I embark on a journey of self-reflection each day. Matters of justice, international and domestic, concern me greatly.

    I am an avid reader, and a fighter that which I believe in. I can be harsh at times, but I am just as harsh with myself as I am with others.

    I am pro-palestinian, pro-black lives matter, pro-LGBTQ+, a passionate feminist (though critical of white feminism) and anti-U.S. imperialism.

    I am (un)learning each and everyday.

    I don't ask for apologies. I ask for change.

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