Benjamin K. Paplham on Odyssey Benjamin K. Paplham
Benjamin K. Paplham

Benjamin K. Paplham

Username: benjaminpaplham

Joined in August 2017

  • About

    I'm a wonderful person! ...I think. Sometimes it's hard to tell. Some days I feel like smoking hot, freshly brewed coffee and other days like the bitter residue hiding at the bottom of the coffee cup. But that's enough philosophy for one day. Why do I love writing? Because I love stories and the fact that the infinite rests inside your own mind. As for The Odyssey, I want to write for them because I have a lot of opinions scampering around inside my head--most of them utter rubbish but nevertheless, they still have to get out somehow. I also think writing, like theatre, is meant to be seen, but for many young writers it's hard to know how to get your words out there.

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