agel girl on Odyssey agel girl
agel girl

agel girl

Username: agel_girl

Joined in May 2020

    All began with a dream, I was approached by someone, The unseen face,Her voice, As soft and warm as a gentle summer breeze, I became lost in her presence, Even more so, I became consumed by her very essence. She said, ”To the boy I love, I would be willing to give the wings off my back, Unless it helps him to fly.” All I assumed only, “Do you love me?” Came no answer, neither any appearance thereafter, Just the remembrance of that only, Angel of mine. By far and away my friends were the best part of my exchange. I had a group of 15 close friends from Argentina, Brazil, the Netherlands, South Africa, Spain, the USA, China, France, the UK and Bulgaria. Not only did I spend my weekends exploring the UK with them, but I learned so much about their cultures. The most important thing I took away from the experience was how similar we were, rather than what divided us. I am still close to all of them, even after returning to Sydney. I plan to visit two of my exchange friends in July, and have exchanged post cards with several of them.

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