Brooklynn DeCicco on Odyssey Brooklynn DeCicco
Brooklynn DeCicco

Brooklynn DeCicco

Username: thatbrooklynnpaige

Joined in August 2017

  • About

    There are many things I am passionate about, most of which are mediums that often infiltrate the internet and social media, such as photography, writing, music, and art. I use these passions to share my thoughts and feelings about acceptance, understanding, and equality with the world. I am a sexual assault survivor, and I often blog about my experiences and utilize social media platforms to share my voice and help others who are going through the same events I have conquered. Odyssey has set a precedent for pieces that highlight thoughts that many millennials encounter, and I love sharing mine as well. Happiness is a choice, and one I plan to make everyday. :)

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