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juley Aren

juley Aren

Username: juley_Aren

Joined in May 2020

    Love Shmoop, but aren't sure how to work it into your day-to-day teaching routine? Juley Harper's stories and tips are just what the doctor (er, admin?) ordered. As the 2001 DE Teacher of the Year and former ELA Education Associate at the DE Department of Education, people seek her input about helpful resources for the classroom—and Shmoop is at the top of that list. I have a multi-faceted background. I teach, I coach, I am an independent literacy consultant (NCTE, UD), and I am a mom. I teach English 101 and 151 at a Community College and I teach future Educators at Salisbury University. I also teach a 7 week SAT prep course in which I use the SAT online Prep. I use Shmoop every single class! I'm serious! Sometimes I use it to teach a concept (idioms), a short story ("A&P"), or model an educational activity (determining rhyme scheme). I also use Shmoop with my daughter to review and reteach pre-algebra concepts.

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