fjordan on Odyssey fjordan


Username: fjordan

Joined in September 2018


    The easy stats: I'm 24 years old, have a Master's in Leadership Development for Non-Profits, work two jobs to get by, and got married in January of 2018. I have 2 Dogs, 2 cats, 7 horses, and 1 cow.

    The deeper side: I've battled with depression and high-functioning anxiety since my early teenage years and am just now figuring out the causes and how to deal with it. I was suicidal in high school and was able to cope with the pain by driving my attention and efforts into competing with my horse Agape. Thanks to my love for her, I now have 6 other equines and all of them are rescues.

    The aspirations: Within the next year I plan to open my own business full time as well as release my first novel which is in the editorial stage as I type. My business will be a fully functioning small scale farm that produces fruits, vegetables, berries, nuts, honey bee goods, livestock based goods, and hay.

    Why I blog: I like to write about personal experiences in the hopes that someone out there can relate and benefit from knowing that they're not alone. Perhaps some of the problems or successes I am facing can provide wisdom to others and help them to achieve a healthier and more fulfilling life. When we're experiencing something new it's always helpful to have someone to turn to; even if they're only reachable through a computer screen.

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