Adam C. Uzialko on Odyssey Adam C. Uzialko
Adam C. Uzialko

Adam C. Uzialko

Username: adamuzialko

Joined in August 2017

  • About

    Adam C. Uzialko uses his middle initial because he once read that makes people perceive you as more intelligent. Suckers. He studied Political Science, as well as Journalism and Media at Rutgers University, graduating in 2014 despite regular truancy and substance abuse. Although he's not yet dead (on the outside, at least) he is survived by his two beautiful cats, Spartacus and Loki, as well as a big, dumb doggo named Thor, who is a good boy, yes he is. His works for The Odyssey include political diatribes, jokes at others' expenses, and a series of thought-pieces, which will most likely go unread and underappreciated until his untimely death, most likely at the hands of his degenerate friends or a particularly strong handle of tequila.

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