Whitney J LaVallee on Odyssey Whitney J LaVallee
Whitney J LaVallee

Whitney J LaVallee

Username: whitney_lavallee

Joined in August 2017

  • About
    Through out the past few years, I have moved to several different states, including Maine, New York, New Hampshire and South Carolina, where I reside now. Through out my several journeys I have experienced many new and magnificent things, and at the same time, I have expericned heart break, hardships and points where I thought digging myself in a hole and sleeping would be my future. Growing up in the foster care system because of family addictions was not always the brightest of times, but it had its moments. It taught me to love unconditionally, always speak the truth, lend a helping hand when needed and always look for a positive in a not so good situation. At a young age I went through several things I do not wish upon anyone, and the one thing I always fell back on was writing. When I couldn't tell people how I felt, or was too afraid to speak out, I would write in my journal and since the first day when I started writing, it has become an every day thing for me. I strongly believe that others out there relate to a life style like mine, and it is nice to know that you are not alone.

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