Sarah Margolnick on Odyssey Sarah Margolnick
Sarah Margolnick

Sarah Margolnick

Username: Sarah_Margolnick

Joined in November 2020

    Hi everyone, My name is Sarah and I am a Health Science Major concentrating on Healthcare Administration. When I'm not busy stressing about school I enjoy: swimming, singing (in the privacy of my own home). I won't admit to my Just Dance habit either, loyal fan since 2010. I like walking my dog, his name's Sebastian, yes like Sebastian the crab from The Little Mermaid. My last name's unique no one knows how to pronounce it, and no one is able to guess where I'm from. And, the only Margolnick's I know, are family members. I talk about type 1 diabetes quite a lot (yes as mind-blowing as it might be there are different types of diabetes and they are not the same), so if that's you're thing, check out my channel: Look forward to meeting the rest of you in the Odyssey Community. Sarah:)

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