carlos martin on Odyssey carlos martin
carlos martin

carlos martin

Username: carlosmartin

Joined in August 2017

  • About
    I would like to join the Odyssey for a few reasons. The first reason is because I used to enjoy writing a lot as a child because of the tremendous amount of books that I would read. Now that I'm a bit older, I feel as if the spare time has grown sparse and I seem to find less time for reading and writing. I, as a student and adult, know that this is not good. So, I believe that by joining the Odyssey and being able to have the freedom to write could inspire me to get back into the things I used to love. The next reason I would like to join the Odyssey is because I think that not only will it help me become a better writer, the campus as an entirety might be able to become a bit more involved with one another. This could be a great opportunity to inspire great writers to engage in their dreams. I believe it would also help expand our reach to other colleges and people and possibly expand our campus entirely! Lastly, I have a few friends around the University of Wisconsin Colleges that write for the Odyssey, and I have enjoyed reading their articles and I love the creativity they provide. They inspire me to want to see my own published writing on the website!

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