Allie Imburgia on Odyssey Allie Imburgia
Allie Imburgia

Allie Imburgia

Username: allieimburgia

Joined in August 2017

  • About
    I will use the odyssey to share my opinions, experiences, inspirations and knowledge. I will also utilize this platform to expand my knowledge and to inspire others. I believe writing is such a powerful way to connect to others and unite others together. There are too many things in this world that divide us apart. I strongly believe writing is one of the outlets that could bring us together. I would be so grateful to be a part of this unique social-online magazine and to contribute what I have to offer. The Odyssey is so special in the way that it allows (aspiring/current) writers to write freely. This is such an amazing opportunity to be able to provide to this magazine and to receive feedback to improve one’s writing. Myself, being very experienced with all kinds of situations and experiences, I have the advantage to write about a wide range of subjects from my perspective. The result of this means the more people relating to what I write, which then sparks discussion. My main objectives are to inspire others, learn from others, and do what I love which is writing. Thank you Odyssey team for taking the time to go over my application. I hope to hear back soon! Sincerely, Allie Imburgia.

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