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6 Ways To Handle The Stress Of Earning Your Degree From Your Childhood Bedroom

Oh so this was the room where I snuck cookies upstairs past my bedtime and stole R-Rated movies to watch when my parents were asleep and now I'm expected to earn my degree in this very same room?

6 Ways To Handle The Stress Of Earning Your Degree From Your Childhood Bedroom
Photo by Aaron Burden on Unsplash

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It's definitely not easy, but it's something so many kids are struggling with right now.

Create a study area

Whether it is your desk in your room or your kitchen table - you need to have somewhere that is solely focused on academics. Make sure you have stuff around you that makes you feel comfortable and motivated. Also, make sure to keep it clean because if it isn't, you'll be out of focus the entire time. Allot 15 minutes before you start your workday so you can clean up the area and make sure it is up to your working standards!

Keep socializing 

We all know it isn't the same as being on campus and being able to talk to people in person, but being able to keep those connections, even if they are virtual, will help you maintain a sense of community.

Manage your time 

There is a different level of concentration that needs to be had when you are at home. Divide your work into manageable time slots and take breaks when you need to. It's okay to want to get your work done by a certain time, but it isn't okay to do it in an unhealthy manner. Your brain needs breaks so it can decompress and get back where it needs to be to refocus.

Communicate with your housemates 

I know for me, I'm a family of 5, with two other college students in my house. Along with a dog who loves to bark (and sometimes for way too long and way too loudly) and two cats (one who enjoys coming into my room and jumping on my window screen and hanging from it). So it gets to be a bit noisy in the Hill household! But something I found super helpful was I would write out my schedule and give it to my family and say, "Hey if we could try to minimize the noise in the house during [insert time], I would really appreciate it!" No one knows what you are doing unless you communicate with them. Especially during these unprecedented times, communication is key!

Reach out for help 

Not everyone has access to everything you have access to, ex. wifi, a laptop, a tablet, etc. Most universities are helping students get the equipment they need to have a successful semester, so don't be embarrassed or afraid to ask if you need it.

Plan your day 

Even though some classes are asynchronous and you can watch them as you please, it's a dangerous habit to fall into. You have to be able to devote your full attention to the recording by setting a routine and limiting your distractions.

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