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7 Reasons Why YouTube Music Is The Best For Music

The music app to end all other music apps!

7 Reasons Why YouTube Music Is The Best For Music
Marc Anthony Brown

Every day millions of individuals use YouTube. Searches range from cat videos, gaming clips or the latest Kardashian rewind. But not many people are aware of the other side of YouTube, made easier for the consumer. The YouTube Music App was established in late 2015 for individuals who use YouTube for music to have a more streamlined way of listening to tunes. But what makes YouTube better than other apps like Apple Music or Spotify? Listed below are several reasons why YouTube Music reigns supreme over other music streaming services.

1. YouTube Red Membership

Like other music streaming services (Spotify, Apple Music), a membership is required to listen to music uninterrupted. But the YouTube Red Membership (Aka YouTube Premium) works differently. If I, for example, purchased YouTube premium on YouTube it works in tangent with YouTube Music. Meaning I can listen to YouTube Videos and Videos in the background without the worry of adds. Another perk is that the video in the music app itself can be switched off and only have the audio playing. This is a huge battery saver on your smartphone, worth the $9.99 price alone. But if you don't mind ads then the free version is just as great. There isn't even a limited amount of skips forced upon you and it is still connected to your YouTube account.

2. Encourages YouTube users

With the music app being connected to YouTube itself, the music someone listens to doesn't always have to be music. Heck, it doesn't even have to be music. While Apple Music allows the ability to listen to radio stations, it is only radio stations. That is very limiting whereas with YouTube Music if I want to listen to a podcast from a smaller video game company I don't have to worry about making sure I have another app downloaded to listen to them (Apple Podcast). I can just listen to their video in the background through the app. A huge benefit that really makes YouTube Music stand out from its competitors.

3. Playlist from your YouTube account

Every music app lets you create a playlist. But like mentioned earlier, YouTube Music allows me to post non-music videos in my playlist. While the video has to be music-centric it is very lenient on which video is considered music only and not music based. This has a great edge over competitors like Spotify and Apple Music where it forces you just to put music in.

4. Looking up songs by lyrics

In its most recent promotions for the app, YouTube music highlighted a nifty ability with its search engine. Say an individual was in the car and only heard one verse of a song and wasn't able to catch the name. With the YouTube music app, someone can search a specific lyric and the top results will be from the actual song. This is an extremely helpful feature that I have used dozens of times. Many times when I am watching a fanedit on Instagram, there is a song that has that perfect beat and is pleasant to listen effective. However, the user did not provide the name of the song and is not responding to comments. But like said earlier, by looking up the lyrics on YouTube Music, finding the song is no problem at all.

5. Non-music appealing/the liked playlist

Like mentioned earlier the music app allows me to listen to content from other creators. I love this feature because I can listen to not only podcasts from smaller business channels. but I can also listen to fan edits made on the site or even videos I liked on the regular YouTube Site. One example of this is effective I liked a video of a guitar cover of the 'Back to the Future' theme. I liked the video instinctively and then later on in the day, the video was in my liked playlist on the app. Making my walk home a little more epic without me even having to add it to a certain playlist.

6. Comparing Apple Music

I remember a time in late 2013-2014 when I could just open the music app on my iPhone and listen to 'The Final Countdown' by Europe. It was very simple to plug in my headphones and listen to music while I did my homework. But soon Apple got greedy and decided to charge people to listen to music. While I could still listen to the individual songs I purchased through iTunes, I wasn't able to listen to the radio/playlist provided on the homepage. It got to the point where the app would freeze if I even attempted to listen to a song. With all this happening I decided to abandon Apple Music (Until my mom decided to get a family plan) and use YouTube for my music needs.

7. Simplified global access

Like mentioned at the beginning of the article, millions of individuals use YouTube every day. And while the company is based in the United States, it's presence around the world is tremendous. For example, at the time of this article the YouTube Channel 'T-Series' based in India will soon become the #1 most subscribed YouTube channel in the world. What is significant about this is just how quickly this channel is growing in one of the most densely populated countries in the world. The Hotlist category on YouTube Music doesn't just give the new and cool trending music from America, but music from smaller musicians as well as pop stars in other countries.

So if you are looking for a new music app that is cost effective and gives you tons of options then I highly recommend YouTube Music with the YouTube Red/YouTube Premium Membership. From celebrities to youtubers, this is the app for all your music needs.

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