Have you ever met someone that makes you wonder, "Why on Earth did I meet you?" — but in a good way? Have you ever met someone that intrigued some part of you in ways you never knew possible? I have. That person is my Peter Pan.
Don't lie to yourself now. You know there is a name in your head when you read that first paragraph. Boy or girl (I will be using "he" for metaphorical purposes), someone has touched your soul in a way no one has before. You liked it too. There was something about their demeanor, something alluring and enchanting. No one can describe the stomach drops or the charming comments.
This person, your Peter Pan, is someone you will never forget. They may still be in your life, or they may have left your life a long time ago. You will never forget how they made you feel. I don't mean this Peter Pan figure to be your significant other, or current fling, but more of your unicorn in a herd of horses.
Peter Pan has taken your mind places it's never even dreamt of. He's opened your thoughts and expanded your mindset. He makes you question your choices. "Am I doing this because it makes me happy?" "Am I doing this because I'm making others happy?" "Is a piece of paper that states I went to school for four years really worth the stress that comes along with it?" "Do I really want to eat that alligator-on-a-stick at the Great Minnesota Sweat Together?"
Say when Peter Pan leaves the room you notice a feeling of emptiness. When he re-enters, you can tell the aura of the room lightens. There is a certain something about the way he speaks — the sincerity. The atmosphere Peter creates welcomes everyone. His adventurous personality intoxicates everyone. He is the fire inside of you. He is the stability figure during a windstorm. When you're surrounded by his presence, it's like a constant free-fall, but you're okay with it.
Whenever someone reads about "Peter Pan", they associate the name with the young boy who refuses to grow up. Some may say he has immaturity issues, but that isn't the case for the Peter I'm speaking of. This Peter Pan knows what he wants and will not let anyone get in his way. He knew exactly what he was doing when he met you for the first time, and decided to stay in your life—hypnotizing you in believing you are worth so much more than you lead on.
A life before Peter Pan was dull and original. A life after Peter Pan is forever changed. There will always be a song you hear or a memory you remember that reminds you of him. A quote, a picture, an exact moment in time where you almost want to thank him for being in your life. I often wish I could be Wendy Darling and fly away with Peter to Neverland, forever refusing to grow up. Sadly, that's not the case. At some point I am going to have to get older, but who says I'm going to have to grow up?
So thank you, Peter Pan, for showing me a completely different side of life and making me want more than the standard "American Dream."