I just got back from a church retreat from this past weekend. To be honest, I was a little nervous about going since my last church retreat was in high school and it was a requirement. So it felt a little forced. But I decided to try this one out since it was not just with my church. This one ended up having college students from GCSU, Kennesaw, and West Georgia of course!
On the car ride over, we were experiencing some issues with loading up on gas that we needed to get before we arrived at Hidden Lake. I think God was wanting that to take a little longer so that we could bond. We did so by singing old Disney classics on the way up the mountain to retreat. It was so fun getting to spend time with them.
After 3 hours of driving, we finally made it from C Town to Hidden Lake in Dahlonega. We made it just in time for mass that night which was awesome! We sang, and we praised the word of the gospel. We got in our small groups that night, I was the black sheep of the group since I was the only one from West Geezy (go wolves). We went to sleep that first night very late, but I knew there was more in store for the next day.
We get up that next day, and we go to breakfast. After breakfast we listened to some speakers. The speakers were amazing don't get me wrong, but they had a lot of info to give us. It was good info though. They were telling us that there is still more to do as Christians. There is more to our story that we have to complete by helping others. That really hit me during their speaking but during adoration. Adoration was the best part of the experience. I really got to reflect on my journey with Christ and take everything in during that time. I did not expect to have the experience that I did.
So I guess my advice to you reading this is to go on that next retreat or simply just go home,reflect on your life and complete more of your story. It is nice sometimes to take a break from college and doing homework/studying.