"Ugh hes so boring."
"Hes so stable, but I dont know."
"I know hes nice, but he doesn't excite me."
*After first date* "I just cant see myself marrying a guy like him."
Be honest, we've all said this at one point or another. Not to say good guys arent any fun. Its just... they arent as much fun. Theres something satisfying to seeing the "bad boy" clean up just for you. But heres the thing. Its just not healthy to try too get someone too change for you. Nor is it healthy to change for someone else. So, why not go for the guy that needs the least work?
Okay, I am not saying the "good boy" is perfect, but when doors are open for you and meals are paid for, not much can be better. There is something to be said about being respected. And that is what the "good boy" does. Your time means something to him. You arent just a way to fill the blank space in his day. It does feel good too be someone he notices when he is busy, but it is not worth not being noticed all the rest of the time. He does not deserve your time if you are not worth his. It feels bad when the "bad boy" does not treat you well, but it makes the good times feel THAT much better.
Heres the thing: "good boys" dont do that. They know that they are lucky to have you. They dont take you for granted. Take my advice. Date a "good boy." You wont regret it...