In each new chapter in life, we find ourselves involved in new communities. One of these chapters for me was transitioning to college. I can remember coming into college and being more shy than ever before. I had to make a new place and new friends become my home. My friendships would be created off of a new basis -- a basis of character and common interest. Coming from a small town, I had incredible friends that I had known my whole life, which made making new friends one of the hardest things I had to do. I didn’t know how anyone could understand me, accept me, and make memories with me like the friends that had known me my whole life could. I hid in doubt behind my shyness. I wanted to be accepted and understood in a new place so different than the small town I came from, but opening up was hard.
Once I got more comfortable in my new life, the friendships I made are the ones I will forever be grateful for. The friendships I made in college have only helped me grow into the person I am today. However, when I look back at how these friendships started, I can’t help but think about how much these girls have done for me and how they didn’t have to.
So, in a small acknowledgement to my girls:
You didn’t have to stay up until two o’clock in the morning listening to my stories and dream, but you did. You didn’t have to call me and invite me, but you did. You didn’t have to watch The Bachelor every Monday night with me, but you did. You didn’t have to jump in the car for random shopping trips or invite me on nights out, even though you knew I didn’t want to go, but you did. You didn’t have to introduce me to your old friends who became mine, but you did.
So, thank you to the new communities who have accepted me and made me feel at home. You didn’t have to. Thank you for living out God’s Golden Rule, “treat others the way you want to be treated.” You didn’t have to. Thank you for welcoming me into your life and loving me. Thank you for never judging me, although you could have chosen to.
I want you to know that because you have accepted me, loved me, encouraged me, and supported me, you have made a difference in my life. You have helped me become the person I am today. You chose to be my friend and love me for who I am, and that alone will continue to help me grow. You have given me the courage to live my life and be happy in doing so. You have given me someone I could trust when I first thought that was not possible in such new place and chapter in my life.
Please know that you are special to me and continue to teach me the importance of treating others the way you want to be treated. It is in you that I have found the raw definition of friendship.
Truly from the bottom of my heart, “Thank you for being my friend,” you didn’t have to, but I am glad you did!