People are really cool.
Yeah even you, though you may not realize it, or ever be able to see it all at once, you’re so cool, and beautiful, and magnificent, and special. And I care about you, like… a lot.
I don’t exactly know how old you were, or I was, when we were taught that being confident and loving ourselves was ignorant, selfish, and worthy of ridicule. I’m not entirely sure of where it all came from but it was most certainty engraved exhaustingly deep into my head and it’ll be there for the rest of time.
There’s an ideal for everything. A perfect body, a perfect brain, a perfect personality, a perfect athlete, a perfect girl, a perfect boy, a perfect man, a perfect woman.
We’re taught to do whatever it takes to be these people. Were taught to be something that doesn’t exist. So what does that lead to other than eternal disappointment and self-hatred?
We’re taught there is always someone else, someone better than us
And were constantly throwing ourselves away to be like them
But we need to fight to be ourselves
because there is only one you
and only one me
and we can’t let ourselves go to waste
I like to become infatuated with people.
To study them. Like a book.
I think we all deserve to be looked at like a work of art. There’s so much more behind the front cover, under the title, between the lines, on the other side of page. We don’t only exist but we were created, created out of love, envy, passion, rebellion, curiosity. And that’s only taking the perspective of the spectrum of human emotion and capability
I like to become especially infatuated with the ones that don’t do it the same as everyone else. The ones that break free from “the same old” and run away from it as fast as they can every chance that they can get. Whether they’re just brave enough or actually terrified out of their minds. It’s irresistibly intriguing, never dull.
We’re all here offering something different. We all have different ways of thinking, different opinions, talents, obsessions, weaknesses, compulsive gestures. And that’s really cool. People are really cool when you actually think about it and let yourself get lost in the abyss of your own head.
Do you ever sit there and think about how the universe is infinite and it just keeps going and going forever really? Like our planets huge, but if that’s not enough then there’s our galaxy, and then if you’re not satisfied with that how about the other hundreds of billions of galaxies.
Well think about people like that. There’s so many of us and so many things that make each one of us distinguishable. It's honestly crazy. There are so many different places to go within someone’s character, so many different aspects of them to look at and discover. So many things to appreciate. And We need to appreciate those things, the rare parts of someone you can’t find anywhere else. Like a piece of art. Each individual a single stroke of paint, we all make the picture complete.
We should be embracing this, not painting over it with only one color.
Why do we want so badly to fit in when we could be standing out?
You’re exclusive. You’re important. You’re a work of art. And I’ll be admiring you forever.