All the Who's down in Whoville are the readiest for Christmas more than anyone else. They've had their homes decorated since the day after Halloween (I'm sure of it) and they've wrapped a present every day of the month.
Who's down in Whoville prepare for their Who-feast, with plenty of roast beast. They wear their most outrageous clothing for Christmas, where no sweater is too ugly, and everyone is welcome to participate in Whoville festivities.
But what about those that aren't big fans of Christmas? What about those whose ears burn when they hear "Santa Claus is Coming to Town" or "All I want for Christmas is You"? And those that hate wrapping presents or can't ever seem to find something nice to wear for Christmas dinner?
If you feel like you're one of those people, well, you might just be the Grinch.
Being a Grinch isn't all that bad. You're usually left alone year round, to wallow in your own self-pity, while feeling an intense amount of self-loathing. You stress eat, eat up all your feelings, and even eat when you're bored. It's just an easier life when you're a Grinch. Sure, you're as charming as an eel and your heart's an empty hole and you've got all the tender sweetness as a seasick crocodile, but at least you're one mean green machine!
So, you might be a Grinch if:
You can't find an outfit, so you've decided you're not going out anymore.
Your only friend is a mangy, yet adorable, dog.
You hate feelings. Every feeling. All feelings.
You have big plans, like solving world hunger, but telling no one.
You hate parties and social gatherings, especially Ugly Christmas Sweater parties.
You hate Christmas songs.
You're awkward in every social interaction, ever.
You like to eat, and eat, and eat.
You're full of yourself, but you also hate yourself.
You might just have a soft spot for Christmas after all.