I cannot believe my younger brother is all grown up and is now a legal adult. I still remember the days when him and his friends would come over and play with Legos for hours. For me, being the first born and the big sister, I am very protective. I try and share all the things I have learned from my failure so he doesn’t do the same. I wish the best for him in relationships, careers and the future. I know he can do it, he is no longer the cute, little, 4-year-old who needed help tying his shoes.
To all the little brothers out there. Your big sisters care about you, that is why it is so hard to see you grow up.
You are one of my closest friends.
Even though I drive you crazy sometimes I know that you will always love me. We have shared such amazing memories together. I loved when we were kids and would stay up talking late in the night wondering what Santa brought us for Christmas. The memories we have made together will last a life time. Thank you for pushing me to face my fears. I am not afraid of heights anymore. Thank you for all the laughs and the games we played growing up. We still can never play Sorry without it getting personal. Thank you for teaching me how to interact with boys and being my friend. I love you.
Some last advice.
From friends that have come and gone, I have seen how age can change a person. Even though you are a legal adult, be careful. Be the voice of reason. Take risks but stay safe. Let God change you. Always know your big sis is there for you, good or bad. Most of all, don’t degrade yourself.
You are graduating high school?!
I remember when you graduated preschool! Where did time go? You have definitely grown a lot since those little days, and I’m not talking about your height. You have proven yourself through the hard times that you can do it, and you are strong enough to conquer what you put your mind to. I am so proud of you. Look at you now! A strong, confident, man ready to take the world by storm.
You have come so far and this is only the beginning.
You are no longer a kid. You have shown responsibility, independence, bravery, courage, patience and lots of heart. These are the key elements you need to take with you when you enter the world. You will get pushed down and may get a few bruises. Only the wise will take what he has learned and use it to grow. Do not be afraid of what is in store. Everything happens for a reason. I can’t wait for the day when you find "the one." Or the day when you have your first child, or the day you buy your first home. This is only the beginning.
God is in control of it, so don’t let that scare you but have peace. The one who knows all is in charge of the unknown. With this I, your big sis, am letting go. I know that God has amazing things in store for you and you don’t even know it yet. He is going to use your talents and interests in places of trial and success. Take shelter in the Lord, He will be your strength.
Your Older Sister.