Again on lesser-evilism: we cannot solve this by building around the Democratic party. The Democratic party is a rigged party, thoroughly undemocratic and corrupt, and the second-most pro-capitalist party in the world, after the Republican party, and even that statement can be argued upon based upon historical evidence.
At a recent meeting organized by the National Nurses Union, mainly comprised of the Democratic Socialist of America in Chicago called the “People’s Summit”, the co-chair of the group Fances Fox Piven showed disagreement for prompting Bernie Sanders to run as an Independent or in the Green Party with Jill Stein. She and other members of the group are committed to lesser-evilism and are voting for Hillary Clinton, a Wall St. loyalist and warmonger who claims ultimate power in this election cycle. Like the DSA, the leaders of the Democratic party's ultimate goal as of now is to defeat Trump with the strongest Democratic candidate, in spite of polls showing a huge support behind both Sanders and a third party system altogether. A Gallup poll shows that 43 percent of Americans are registered Independents, and this doesn’t include the people who do not vote in important elections. At this said meeting in Chicago, much of the crowd (also comprised of members of People for Bernie,, and Physicians For a National Health Program) which included 3,000 people, expressed a large amount of booing- a large rejection of this lesser-evilism ideology.
It is a big deal that Elisabeth Warren, a high-profile “left” politician, says that she will never endorse Bernie Sanders. Perhaps her support behind him or Jill Stein would have helped build the political revolution Bernie has been talking about. We will never know for sure, but we do know that similarly to the DSA leadership, Warren has received mass anger publicly towards her political preferences, confirming support for change from the well-used lesser-evilism system.
You may have also heard that Bernie Sanders is planning on endorsing Hillary Clinton in mid-July 2016. What does this say about the motives of Democrats now? If he is truly committed to socialism, he seems to be sacrificing just about every one of his social and economic political values by not only running for presidency as a Democrat and leaving out key progressive points in his platform and campaign, but also by formally endorsing the ultimate corporate of the world candidate today.
There is currently deep anger, especially amongst the most oppressed and the youth, of the complete domination of politics by corporate interests. This has caused cuts to social welfare, economic recession, underdeveloped infrastructure, a perpetuation of social injustices unseen for decades, and more. Capitalism is a complete failure for working families, and this paired with global imperialism has thus far negatively affected most people since its establishment.
As mentioned, many people today -- especially youth -- see the need for change. The movement behind the 15 dollar-an-hour minimum wage has already been brought to life and has won in some localities and states so far. Students are beginning to fight back against crippling debt, social media aiding regular folks in progressive education, and a new generation of activists have been born through the Occupy and Black Lives Matter movements. The world’s perception of capitalism and other corruptions today is rapidly changing, and many are trying to harness this energy through grassroots organizations, mass education, and independent Left and Right organization membership recruitments.
Now has never been a better time to join the socialists. Low-wage workers are now rising up to fight for a better life. Millions are sharing racist police acts of violence on social media in agitation towards the state police system. Tens of thousands are protesting around the world for the same demands. In the upcoming months, these movements will likely grow. Millions, even billions, are crying out for an alternative to capitalism and everything related. Getting involved with socialist Alternative would benefit people as intellectuals, activists, organizers, and human beings alike. SA has been growing exponentially since the 80’s, and we deeply understand the common desire for a true socialist alternative. Check out our website, and don’t be afraid to contact us!