This week's writer of the week is the amazing, caring Alexis Wilson, or Lexi. Lexi is a sophomore at Misericordia University and is the nursing program. She is from Marlton, New Jersey where she enjoys hiking, reading, and running. Lexi is involved in both the cross country and track and field team at Misericordia. She is also an active member in SNAP (Student Nurse Association of Pennsylvania). I got the pleasure of asking Alexis some questions to get to know this amazing writer just a little bit better.
Charlotte: Why did you start writing for the Odyssey?
Alexis: From the time I was little I always loved to write and when I found out that Misericordia had started up their own Odyssey chapter, I knew that it would be a great opportunity for me to get back into doing something that I was passionate about.
C.D.: What is the best article you have written? Why?
A.W.: My best article would have to be “12 Comments (Cross Country) Runners Are Tired Of Hearing”. I really enjoyed writing this and I found after sharing this article a lot of people were relating to it and really enjoyed it. I’m very passionate about running and writing so this article was definitely my favorite to write.
C.D.: Who’s your inspiration whether it be for career or just in general?
A.W.: My inspiration definitely would be my older brother, Shawn. He is very passionate and hardworking in every task he is given. He puts 100% into everything that he does and does not accept defeat and I constantly look up to him and seek his advice for running and college related matters to just everyday life issues.
C.D.: Favorite Class? Why?
A.W.: Any of the Psychology classes I have taken, I really am interested in learning how the brain works and I’m never bored in these classes.
C.D.: Favorite thing about Misericordia? Why?
A.W.: My favorite thing about Mis is the overall size of the campus. Coming from a high school with over 2,000 students, it was not hard at all to adjust to the class sizes or just the overall amount of people on campus because Mis and my high school have approximately the same amount of students. It was very comfortable to me when I moved in.
C.D.: Favorite food at Misericordia?
A.W.: Definitely the MU Chicken Bowl.
C.D.: You Choose: favorite book and author or favorite movie and actor/actress.
A.W.: My favorite movie is “10 Things I Hate About You” and my favorite actor is Johnny Depp.
C.D.: If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would it be and why?
A.W.: Ever since I was a kid, I have always wanted to visit Ireland. A lot of my family comes from Ireland and I have heard how beautiful the landscape is.
C.D.: If you had three wishes, what would you wish for?
A.W.:I would wish for my family to always be taken care of (so I guess, my first wish would be financial stability for my whole family), to meet Jensen Ackles (have you seen this man? He’s gorgeous!), and to achieve all of my goals and aspirations I have.
C.D.: Plans for the future? Where do you see yourself in ten years?
A.W.: In ten years, I can see myself working at the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia as a Nurse
C.D.: Any advice for other writers out there?
A.W.: Just to not be afraid to express yourself. Don’t let the fear of what others might say about your writing prevent you from doing something that you are passionate about. People are always going to have their own opinion and as long as you’re doing something that makes you happy then don’t worry about what others might say.
C.D.: Advice for younger people just starting college?
A.W.: It’s okay to miss home and to be unsure of yourself. You just have to give it a chance because freshman year has the potential to be an amazing year, if you let it be. This year will be the year of the “unknown” for you because you have no idea what you’re doing or what is to come but just be patient, make friends, and do your work and believe me this will be one of the best years of your life.
C.D.: Fun fact about you?
A.W.: I have two middle names (Marie Viola) and have the diet of a 5 year old child.
C.D.: Lastly, if you could have one superpower what would it be and why?
A.W.: My super power would definitely be healing. I love taking care of people and making sure everyone is okay. So with the power to heal, I would never have to worry about anybody being hurt.
It was so great to learn all of the new, amazing qualities that Lexi possesses. One of the best is that she is a fantastic writer. To see some more of her work click here.