Ah, the fast food industry. What a great industry to work in!...Not. You never really know the stupidity of people until you work in fast food. And getting yelled at by managers for things you can't control? What a fun time! There are some things that make working at McDonald's fun, but it also has its downsides.
1. "How much is the 2 for $3?"
Gee, I wonder!
2. We get yelled at when customers take too long to order.
I know, this sounds dumb, but we need to keep orders under a certain time, or else the crew members get in trouble....but we can't help that the customer is taking FOREVER! I've had a countless number of customers take 5 whole minutes to order....with a really long drive-thru line! Ugh. We stress when this happens for fear of getting yelled at, and this GIF accurately depicts us.
3. When you get put on drive-thru when it's like -10 degrees outside.
This is the absolute WORST. No, we are not warm because we are inside. Every time we open the window, we get a huge gust of wind in our face and it makes it worse for us if you don't have your money ready. I'm freezing, hurry the heck up!
4. When customers get mad at you for waiting too long for their food, but all you did was take their order.
Listen, I took your order, I am not making your food, I'm sorry that the grill people are taking super long, but please don't get mad at ME!
5. "Can I get uh....a fry?"
A fry? One fry? A single fry? We don't sell that. Also, WHAT SIZE???
6. "Can I get a soda?"
We have like 10 different sodas, ordering "a soda" isn't going to get you anywhere, sir.
7. When a customer orders food for 15 people and then complains that it's expensive.
Not my fault you volunteered to buy food for your whole office...
8. When you get sent on break 2 hours into your 8-hour shift.
Really? I still have 6 hours left!!!
9. When customers get mad that they can't do a military discount on top of another promotion.
The computers won't let us do that, you can try to argue all you want. A manager is going to tell you the same thing!
10. "Why is my food taking so long?"
Maybe if you didn't order 10 food items 5 minutes before closing, we wouldn't have this problem.
11. When you tell a customer you'll be with them in a moment and they continue telling you their order.
Do you not understand what I just said? Sometimes we have to repeat "one moment please" 3 times before the customer gets the hint.
12. When a manager asks you to do something but you get busy for 3 hours then get yelled at for not doing what you were asked.
13. When customers say their order faster than you can punch the items in and get mad when you ask them to repeat it.
"Can I have a small fry and a large sweet tea and a mcchicken and a double cheeseburger and a medium quarter pounder with cheese meal with a Sprite and a 4 piece chicken nugget happy meal for a girl with apple slices and an apple juice and can I also get a fish filet and a mcdouble and 3 apple pies? Oh, and can I get a 20 piece nugget and 6 large Cokes with that?"
14. "Why is this item this price? The one in the other town charges..."
Because every store has a different owner and the owners control the prices. Not my fault, sorry.
15. People don't realize how stressful fast food actually is.
When you're constantly getting yelled at by customers AND managers for things you can't control for 8 hours straight, you get pretty stressed out.