Ragamuffin Coalition | The Odyssey Online
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4 Brands You've Never Heard Of That Are Changing The World, One Sale At A Time

Buy a shirt, plant a tree. Not a bad deal, eh?

4 Brands You've Never Heard Of That Are Changing The World, One Sale At A Time

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In recent years, there has been an increase in small businesses dedicated to making a positive impact on the world through their sales. Many of these companies are helping people and places across the globe, but a majority of the general population is unaware that these businesses even exist. These small businesses definitely deserve more recognition for what they're doing, so here's an introduction to a few of them so you can help support their causes and spread the word of their missions!


Not only does this business sell comfy shoes, but BANGS also donates 20% of its profits to entrepreneurs around the world who are trying to start businesses of their own. They've helped 1500 entrepreneurs in 70 different countries and offer an ambassador program to those who want to get involved in their mission.

You can get yourself a pair BANGS and learn more about their mission here.

Ragamuffin Coalition

Aside from their unique outdoor-inspired merchandise, Ragamuffin Co. is worth investing in because they give their buyers an opportunity to choose which charity their money goes to. When purchasing from their website, shoppers have the choice of using their purchase to give the Gospel to children across the globe through Samaritan's Purse or plant a tree in rural communities within the developing world through Trees for the Future.

You can buy your own Ragamuffin Co shirt and learn more about their mission here.


4ocean is a company that sells bracelets made of recycled plastic, and they're donating a portion of their profits towards cleaning the ocean and conserving marine life. Every bracelet purchased equates to one pound of trash pulled from the ocean by the 4ocean team. Additionally, they feature a new bracelet every month that specializes in a specific cause, so in addition to clearing trash from the ocean, your purchase can also assist in conserving wildlife life across the globe.

You can buy your own 4ocean bracelet and learn about how they're cleaning the ocean here.

Tees for Bees

Tees for Bees strives to raise awareness among the general population about bees and pollinators. By buying one of their funky T-shirts, 10% of your purchase will be donated to Bee City to support their work in saving the bee population.

You can buy one of these cool shirts and learn more about what Tees for Bees is doing to save the bees here.

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