1. When your love for food overwhelms your mind at all times.
2. And your social life seems to revolve around your eating habits.
3. The horror you experience when you realize the crazy amount of calories in your favorite flavor of Ben and Jerry’s.
4. Your initial reaction when a friend invites you to go to the gym with them.
5. That split second decision you have to make when you see the gym right around the corner.
6.The feeling of pure and utter fear your body succumbs to once the person at the front desk asks what type of membership you want.
7. The moment you get on the treadmill and consider how other people might perceive your eccentric running style.
8. When you look down at the treadmill and see that you ran (or walked, whichever you prefer) an entire mile without falling off.
9. And when you get back from the gym and get to brag to all of your friends about how you just worked out.
10. The painful feeling when you try to walk up the stairs after doing a bunch of squats.
11. When your conscience is trying to tell you to power through, regardless of your physical pain.
12. When you realize your workout might be ruined because you forgot to pack your headphones.
13. The moment when someone steals your machine, causing you to question all of mankind.
14. When you tell your friends you are going to quit your membership, and they just won't let you.
15. But, when you get home from that long day of working out, your body thanks you for the amazing food you treat it to.
16. And possibly the best moment of all is when you remind yourself just how amazing you truly are.