When people think of a life changing event, they often think of something traumatic or devastating that has happened to a person and permanently changed them. My life changing event wasn't anything horrible or tragic; I simply went to the gym. I started working out my senior year of high school when I was going through a rough time. I was battling mood swings and anger. Going to the gym helped me to regulate my emotions. Almost a year later, I am seeing the results of what going to the gym did for me. It completely turned my life around.
Working out has made me so confident in myself and my body. I am not afraid to wear what I want to wear. I can go out in sweats with no makeup and my hair pinned up, and I feel just as confident as if I were dressed to the fullest. When I was in high school, I did not have a lot of self confidence. I always compared myself to other girls and my friends. Ever since I started working out, my skin cleared itself of acne, my hair is stronger and healthier than ever, and I've gotten in the best shape of my life so far.
I have been happier ever since I started working out. In my senior year of high school, I was still going through the typical teenage drama at school; backstabbing friends, mean girls, and boy problems. This lead me to stress out and get emotional all the time. I started working out to relieve anger, and to blow off steam after school. Overtime I noticed that working out made me happy; after I worked out, I felt like I could do anything. Working out releases endorphins that make you happy and give you energy, so when I went home after the gym, I had a smile on my face instead of a frown. Since working out made me a happier person, it helped my cope with some depression issues over the past year. I normally am a very happy person, but when I become depressed, (it normally last for a couple days in a month, or it is triggered by a certain event that happens) you will see me at the gym every single day, or maybe twice a day. I know many people who are on anti- depressants, but my anti-depressant is a great workout.
Working out and getting in shape has made me more aware of how I take care of my body. I go to the gym about five times a week, I do cardio, muscle strength and endurance, yoga, Zumba, and cycling. I alternate between these workouts so I don't overwork my body. I have eaten heather because better food gives you more energy. I normally eat three meals a day with a light snack between lunch and dinner. I eat a good breakfast, normally consisting of eggs, yogurt, sausage, coffee, and vitamins on the side. For lunch, I try to stick with something not fatty or fried, like a turkey sandwich on wheat with veggies, a side salad, and water. For dinner, I get a main dish, with a salad, and water, and sometimes I treat myself to a dessert. I try to drink water with every meal, I do not drink soda, add unnecessary sugar, or eat too many carbs. I do not eat food after eight. I try to get at least seven to eight hours of sleep each night. I take showers regularly and give my body the care it needs. With the help of Pinterest, I detox and recharge my body about once a month. I have learned to take care of my body on a whole other level.
For those of you who would like to start working out, there are so many benefits to working out regularly. It is a great way to cope with depression, anxiety, and anger issues. Some advice from me is to stick with it. It might be hard and overwhelming at first, but you will get used to it. It's a process and it takes time. Make sure you eat after a tough workout, drink plenty of water, and don't overwork your body; otherwise you will end up drained and tired. If you have never worked out, try it; you could end up with a story just like mine.