3. What the heck is going on with those graphics...how. | The Odyssey Online
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11 GIFs That Portray My First Hectic Yet Exciting Day In The Newsroom

3. What the heck is going on with those graphics...how.

11 GIFs That Portray My First Hectic Yet Exciting Day In The Newsroom
Ashley Broadwater

During our broadcast writing unit, my MEJO (Media and Journalism) 332 class on PR Writing got to visit the Carolina Week class, in which students put on a live news show. I really enjoyed getting to see all of the intricacies and drama without having to be personally stressed about what I needed to do. Here are 11 of my further thoughts on what this glimpse entailed.

1. Oh my gosh, everyone is screaming and I would cry if that was me. I could never do this.

Stressed Too Much GIF by NewQuest - Find & Share on GIPHYGiphy


2. Wow few things are more affirming than those intermittent compliments and that I'm-hype-that-went-well-single-clap. I could maybe do this.


Aw what a family. I'm loving the love, especially after the yelling.

3. What the heck is going on with those graphics...how.


How did I not realize people have to do all of those things we see on TV? And in a perfectly-timed fashion?

4. Ahh so short anchors have to stand on dictionaries. Better practice my balancing skills.


No wonder the anchors are the same height. I wonder if that's to aid awkwardness or the steadiness of the camera.

5. This room is sooo cold… I guess so the anchors don’t sweat under the lights?


I wish I had a sweatshirt and leggings like the floor director does right now.

6. So about 10 things are going on at once… I had no idea the news took so many various skills and fancy, intricate, confusing machines.


And all students minus the anchor get to go in rotation. I wonder if each job is as stressful or chill as it looks.

7. Scrolling the teleprompter looks like a video game. I can’t tell if that’s fun or stressful.


Probably both.

8. The anchors really have that special ~anchor voice.~


Is there a handbook on how to talk that way?

9. People have told me I’m a good speaker. Maybe I should volunteer and apply for an anchor position.


It's a different kind of speaking though...and so much pressure.

10. No, probably shouldn’t, it requires too much time and training I don’t have time for, and it’s not my specialization.


I'm disappointed...but there's only so much I can do.

11. Overall, that was a very interesting and fun experience. Maybe there's a more lowkey way to get involved.


I'm sure the non-live news reports are more chill? Which ones are those?

While I don't have the time to get more involved with broadcasting on a committed level, I really found this experience to be interesting and entertaining. It provided a better understanding of what this career looks like behind-the-scenes.

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