It's oddly specific, but if you're learning German and also oppose economic and state coercion, there are some words and phrases that could be very helpful on your journey.
Junkertum: Aristocracy
The very top of the top.
Großbürger: Upper Bourgeois
The administrative portion of the bourgeois, the real capital owners.
Klienbürger: Lower Bourgeois
The petite bourgeois.
Untertanen: Middle and Working Class
Directly translates as subordinate.
Proletariat: Proletariat
Marx used this work himself. Yes, it's a little redundant.
Die Linke: The Left
This can refer to the Left generally, or to the specific party in Germany.
Entfremdung: Alienation
Marx used the word alienation to describe the distance the worker feels from their craft.
Klassenbewusstsein: Class Consciousness
It rolls of the tounge, "We must foment Klassenbewusstsein!"
Klassenkampf: Class Struggle
The ever waging war of the bourgeois against the proletariat.
Anarchismus: Anarchism
The ideal political philosophy, right?
Gleichberechtigung: Equal Rights
What we must demand.
Gegner: Opponent
It could be the police, the state, the capitalists, you name it.
Der Staat: The State
The ideal society exists without it.
Gewinn ist Diebstahl: Profit is theft.
A classic axiom.
Proletarier aller Länder, vereinigt euch!: Workers of the world unite!
The which finishes The Communist Manefesto, sometimes completed with "you have nothing to loose but your chains!"