Winter Break: Expectations Vs. Reality | The Odyssey Online
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Winter Break: Expectations Vs. Reality

Not what you'd expect.

Winter Break: Expectations Vs. Reality

The holidays are here and so that means winter break. Finally one month free of tests, papers and mental breakdowns. The idea of being home for break is exciting when you think about it; hanging out with your high school friends, drinking your parents' expensive alcohol and spending time with your dog — not to mention the home cooked meals, laying on the couch watching "The Bachelor," and drinking wine out of a glass instead of a bag. Sounds like heaven.

On the other hand, an entire month of being home will ultimately make you realize that college is like a fantasy world, and you never want to leave again. Not in any offense to Mom and Dad, but I'd rather not be questioned when I down an entire bottle of their wine or come home at 2:00 a.m. instead of my 11:30 p.m. high school curfew. You don't really think about how much freedom you have at school until it's stripped away while spending a month at home.

1. Waking up the first day of break:

Expectation: Sleep in and feel amazing.

Reality: Mom drags you to the gym at 6:00 a.m.

2. You see someone you hate from high school at the grocery store:

Expectation: Dodge them.

Reality: Be a normal human and say hi.

3. Getting back into shape:

Expectation: Lose 10 lbs

Reality: Stand around and do nothing.

4. Getting drunk with your high school friends:

Expectation: Every night of break.

Reality: Drinking alone every other night.

5. Working over break:

Expectation: Swimming in that minimum wage paycheck.

Reality: Nobody will hire you just for the break.

6. Opening presents Christmas morning:

Expectation: Puppy, car, new phone; something you actually wanted.

Reality: A gift card to target.

7. Leaving home on the last day of break:

Expectation: You're totally ready.

Reality: You're definitely not prepared to leave your bed, dog or parents.

OK maybe being home is pretty great, but after a month, your liver and Instagram are completely ready for second semester to begin.

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