Kids are a privilege to this Earth. They are goofy little individuals who absorb so much information it’s crazy. They learn new things every day at a rate that is astonishing when you really think about it. They truly do say the darnedest things, and it puts a new perspective on the world when they talk to you about the way they see things. They are possibly the people on this Earth who are the most willing to learn… and we should take advantage of that!
All of us have something that we love, whether it is a sport, a love for the arts, or maybe even a movie series. I grew up in dance studios and I was taking golf lessons where it was a really big deal for the big kids to pay attention to us little tikes, so when it was my turn to be a big kid, I took the role seriously. I knew the importance of being a strong figure for those younger than me, and I knew how much the little things meant to them. A simple wave walking through the door, or a compliment on their leotards, or a comment like “Wow you hit that ball really far!” and you could see their entire face light up. Knowing that you can give them that good feeling is worth it, and let me tell you, when the parents tell you that they talk about you or look up to you, it’s as rewarding as it can get.
When we teach kids about the things that we love, we are often reminded of why we began loving those things in the first place. For example, I get frustrated with golf a lot because well, it’s golf, but when I see a child get so excited about making a putt, I am reminded of my younger self and how far I’ve come. You get to see your passion through their eyes, and that’s as refreshing as it is incredible. We all need gentle reminders of why we began loving something, and kids are the perfect messengers.
As much as we can teach children, I have found that at times, I learn more from them. People always say to follow your own advice. Well, kids have a way of taking your advice and throwing it back in your face. If you preach patience but get frustrated in front of them, they will absolutely remind you that “patience is number one and determination is number two.” Kids are also the biggest celebrators of the smallest things, which is awesome to be a part of in a world where giving up is so common.
I know that the majority of people reading this are adults, but please know that the idea of the “big kid/little kid” still exists in the adult world. So, next time you see an intern, or a new staff member, or a student — remember that even if they don’t show it, they do look up to you and look for your approval. Make their day and smile at them first, you might make a new friend or a discover a great prodigy.