Reading is something we all learn to do at a very young age. Unfortunately for our generation, reading is reserved mostly for sending and receiving text messages, and reading the latest update on Facebook. What most college students do not understand is that reading is a very important (and enjoyable) thing to do in your free time. Here are a few reasons that reading is so important.
Reading develops your mind.
Your brain is a muscle, and similarly to lifting weights, you need to exercise that muscle.
Reading helps develop your imagination.
A book can take you anywhere in the world, or even the galaxy. It can take you to a different time or place, it can be an escape.
Reading helps improve spelling skills.
Some may think “Why do I need to spell when there is auto-correct?” Well, think again, because someday you will be in a situation where you will need to fill out a paper and you need to spell ‘definitely’, and you can’t look it up on your phone. If you misspell a word on a job application, you will not stand a chance for the job.
Reading helps develop empathy.
Reading helps you step into the shoes of a different person who is going through something that you probably never will. It helps you to walk a mile in someone else’s shoes and feel things that they feel. It can help you relate to people better in real life.
Reading is an amazing form of entertainment.
Reading is something you can do other than scroll through Twitter. You can read while standing in line at the store, or while waiting for a class to start.
A paperback book or an e-reader does not take up much room in a bag so you can easily take it anywhere with you. If you still think that you can’t carry one around with you, you can get a Kindle reading app for your phone, and always have a book on your person, since all teenagers don’t go anywhere without their phones. There is no excuse to not read, so pick up a book, and get started!