It's Good For The Enviornment | The Odyssey Online
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5 Reasons To Start Crocheting Right Now

Trust me, I was skeptical too.

5 Reasons To Start Crocheting Right Now
Photo by Annisa Ica on Unsplash

Hear me out. I have never considered myself an artistic person, and I most certainly have never been into arts and crafts. That being said, one day I found myself in the deep deep rabbit-hole of YouTube and came across a really cute crochet top that literally looked like something I would buy from the store. I decided to throw caution to the wind and try it out. I've been obsessed with crocheting ever since and I honestly think that everyone should at least try it out. If you need some more convincing, here are 5 reasons why you should consider crocheting.

It's Good For The Enviornment

aerial shot of forestPhoto by pine watt on Unsplash

We all know that fast-fashion is really bad for the environment. Crocheting is an affordable way to make items that will last a lot longer. Because of how much work you put into the project, you're much less likely to just throw it away at random. Some projects you crochet (like sweaters and cardigans) are simply less likely to "go out of style" and you're more likely to keep them for a long time. Not only that, but you can make reusable towels, bags, and other practical things you would normally have to buy. There are also some really cool projects that use recycled fabrics from clothes that would otherwise be discarded.

It's An Affordable Way To Upgrade Your Wardrobe

hanged top on brown and white clothes horsePhoto by Alyssa Strohmann on Unsplash

The number of sweater, crop tops, bralettes, and bucket hats I have now is genuinely surprising. Instead of dropping $35 on a cute crop top, I can now make one for whatever color I'm feeling for 1/5 of the price. I didn't know I needed a bucket hat in seemingly every color and pattern until now, but I definitely did. There's something I love about being able to completely personalize what I'm going to wear while also knowing that I'm saving money too.

It Gives You An Excuse To Watch Netflix For Hours

black flat screen tv turned on displaying 11Photo by Mollie Sivaram on Unsplash

Let's get one thing straight, I love watching Netflix. The only problem is, sometimes I feel guilty about it and feel really unproductive. Now, whenever I want to watch Netflix, I grab my current project and do both! It's the little things that count, and this certainly is a mood booster. This also works for listening to a podcast or audiobook which I love doing too!

You Can Make Affordable Gifts For The Upcoming Holiday Season

brown gift box lotPhoto by Lore Schodts on Unsplash

You'd be surprised to hear how many of my friends saw the first top I made and instantly asked for one themselves. With the holidays coming up, this is an environmentally conscious and also super affordable way to make your friends something they're actually going to think is cute. Plus, they're also going to think that it took a lot more effort than it actually did which now makes you the ultimate gift-giver friend.

It's Fun

woman sewing purple textilePhoto by Imani on Unsplash

At the end of the day, you should start crocheting because it's just a fun way to relieve stress. There's something very therapeutic about the repetitive nature of crocheting that I really have never found in any other art project. Having to quarantine can honestly just be really boring and sometimes you need a break from schoolwork. What started as half of a joke has now become a hobby I honestly enjoy.

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