Why "Wonder Woman" Director Patty Jenkins Is A True Hero
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Why "Wonder Woman" Director Patty Jenkins Is A True Hero

Alternative headline: Why I'm never going to shut up about this movie

Why "Wonder Woman" Director Patty Jenkins Is A True Hero

This past weekend I finally saw "Wonder Woman" and let me tell you, everyone needs to see that movie. I'll go with you, I'll go with everyone. I love Wonder Woman a lot, her theme song is my ringtone, and I once dressed up as her at a comic con.

I could write a dissertation on my love for Wonder Woman in this movie; her absolute perfection, her extreme badass-ness, her love for humanity. But I'm not going to. I want to take a minute and talk about the true superhero behind this movie: Patty Jenkins.

In case you didn't know, Patty Jenkins is the brilliant director of the greatest superhero movie of all time (I don't know if that title has officially be awarded yet, but you heard it here first folks). The execution of this movie was unlike anything I had seen before. The only film that gave me somewhat similar feelings was the "Ghostbuster's Remake". Here are some of the ways Jenkins managed to make an already brilliant concept even better.

Absolutely no 'male gaze'

The male gaze is filming from the perspective of a man, and what you think a man would want to see. This means a lot of zoomed in cleavage shots and sexy fight poses. This movie just portrays Wonder Woman as a person, an insanely beautiful person, but a person nonetheless. Her fight scenes show her as strong and powerful and not just something for men to ogle at.

Sweet and believable romance that was clearly a subplot

I know the "fall in love with the first man you meet" is a little overdone but hear me out. Steve and Diana were sweet and respected each other and supported each other and it was so damn cute. Plus, since Steve was the Romantic Interest, he was the one that constantly had heart eyes, and was head over heals for most of the movie. And sure, maybe you think "oh well it's unrealistic to fall in love with someone in a few days" but I personally fell in love with Diana 30 seconds into the first trailer so it's entirely realistic.

Breathe of fresh air from DC's usual stink

Look, I'm always going to be a Marvel girl so I recognize that I'm biased. But DC usually puts out movies that are gritty and depressing and leave you with a bad taste in your mouth. They tried to change their image with "Suicide Squad", which came off less like an evil buddy comedy and more like a scene kid on crack. "Wonder Woman" hopefully is setting the tone for more DC movies to come. There were light comedic moments and cute scenes scattered between the dramatic battles. There were emotional moments that portrayed the dark side of humanity, but it leaves you feeling hopeful. It's "Nevertheless she persisted" in a film, and it's better than anything DC has ever thought about producing.

Destruction of overdone tropes

First let's look at Steve Trevor, the character that could totally be the sexist "dudebro" who's all macho and needs to prove his masculinity next to this badass bombshell. Instead, we get this super sweet supportive guy that's pure and wonderful. Chief could have easily been put into the "Medicine Man" or "Trail Guide" trope. But besides being played by an actual Native American, he has an actual story about losing everything because of white men but still trying to make a life for himself. The movie actually talks about colonization that is subtle but very powerful. There's Sameer, the could be sleazy con-man who's an amazing linguist that wants to be an actor. And then my personal favorite, Steve tries to make Diana less noticeable by putting glasses on her. And his secretary quips, "‘Sure, specs, as if she isn’t still the most beautiful woman you’ve ever seen." As a woman who wears glasses, thank you.

Important message about mental health

In the movie, Charlie has PTSD from the war. In the middle of a fight scene, Charlie is unable to fire his gun due to a PTSD episode. What usually follows is the main character giving a macho man speech about perseverance, followed by a do-over opportunity where he gets to prove his worth. Diana said "F that" to that harmful cliche and instead insisted that Charlie was important to the team because he wasn't there "who would sing to them". Diana, and the rest of the team, value Charlie based on his character, and not his ability to fight in the war. It's insanely important for people with mental illness to see that they matter, warts and all.

To sum it up, "Wonder Woman" smashed glass ceilings we didn't even know we had. In every possible way, this movie was revolutionary, inspiring, and just the thing that everyone needs this year. Prepare yourself because I am NEVER going to stop talking about this movie. I'll fight you about it, I'll fight anyone about it.

In conclusion: Wonder Woman.

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