As I graduated high school, I could not imagine the thought of leaving my parents. I felt like a little kid in kindergarten all over again. The night my parents left me, I tried to keep my mind off the fact I was starting over again without them, but I couldn’t and ended up crying myself to sleep. Now, when my mom came to pick me up after my first year of college, I cried leaving my new friends and didn’t want to come home.
When people asked me if I was happy to be home from school, I responded and said, "No." Yes, I am happy to be done school work, and I am happy to be on “break,” but school and my parents have made me grow into the independent adult I believe I am supposed to be. So yes while being home has it’s perks, I did really enjoy school and I do want to go back.
Mom and dad, it has nothing against you, in fact, you both should be proud of yourselves (and thank God) that I am able to function on my own. I know you constantly tell me to clean my room and pick up after myself. The truth is, at school I don’t leave my space a mess (most of the time) and it’s because I constantly hear you both in the back of my head. If there is a dish in the sink, I clean it because that is what you have taught me to do. You both always tell me how I am closed minded, and some may think this is mean of you to say but without you telling me how it is honestly, I would have never been able to become more open minded and learn to be more positive.
First, coming home meant working. Do not get me wrong, I can enjoy my job and trust me I know I need to work, but I just got home from working all 10 months. Yes, dad, I already know your response to this, “I wish I could only work 10 months out of the year.” I have learned, the hard way, that college is hard and absolutely nothing like high school. Regardless of my grades, I tried my best but I plan to do better! So while I most likely will complain about going to work, please don’t get irritated with me!
Second, I have to learn how to live with four other people again instead of just living with one other person. Being home, I find it harder living with four people rather than just one. Before leaving for school, I hadn’t really noticed the chaos. Especially when sharing the bathroom!
Third, mom, I give you credit balancing everyone’s schedules and making sure we are all where we need to be at the right time. It was a luxury just being able to take care of myself and not worry about what other people had planned. I could just hop on the bus at school or make plans to do whatever I wanted!
I know it must hurt you when I say I don’t want to be home, but I don’t mean to hurt either of you. I view it as a great accomplishment on your half. You have raised a child who feels comfortable on their own to go out into the world and contribute to society. I know when I was younger, I would complain about taking out the trash, cleaning the bathrooms, weeding the yard and God forgive us we all know each kid complained about walking the dog. And dad, to answer your question, yes. Yes, I will grow up and have kids of my own and raise them to have such responsibilities because I hope, one day, I can be a successful parent just as you and mom are. I want the best for my kids and I know that is all you ever want for Ashleigh, Matthew and I.
Secretly, I know you can’t wait to have me gone ;)
Your Collegiate Young Adult