Someone once said to me, "Why fear, when you have faith and why have faith when you fear. Faith and fear cannot exist together."
This past year has been extremely difficult, since I have lost a lot of close relationships. So like most of you, when something terrible happens, I ask the higher powers above us, "Why me?" Or "What have I done to deserve this?"
This year, I have been tempted to ask that very question several times. However, I have been thinking and have realized that I don't really say "Why me?" or "What have I done to deserve this?", when things are going well.
During the past few days, I have been getting ready to move into my new apartment. But as I'm getting ready to move out of my old apartment and into a new one, I can't help but think that I haven't really asked, "Why me?" Or "What have I done to deservd a couple of amazing individuals as roommates this year?"
Most people lose friends when they start living with them, but for me it was quite the contrary, as I gained two lifelong friendships. There have been times when I was tempted to ask "Why me?" in a negative way. However, I choose to look past the current issue and focus on what was going well. So this change in attitude has made me want to ask this question; why don't we say, "Why not me?" when something goes our way for once.
All of us have both positive and negative experiences. Yet, only the negative ones make us want to question the higher power and our Karma (as we ask, what have I done to deserve this negative experience). However, pain or suffering is an interval between two pleasures, if you are someone who sees the glass as half full. If you see the glass as half empty, you'd probably say, pleasure is an interval between two pains or sufferings. Either way, both pain and pleasure are part of our lives.
So as I get ready to start this new chapter of my life, I want to go in with this new attitude and an open mind about both positive and negative experiences. Remembering not to let negative experiences allow me to question my faith or my destiny. At the same time, expressing gratitude for all the positive experiences, no matter how small or big they might be.
Lastly, I hope that I can encourage you all to remember to ask "Why not me?", when you find yourself tempted to ask "Why me?" Or "What have I done to deserve this?", when things are going well, and not just when things aren't going well. It can help change perspective on both pleasure and pain or suffering. Or at least help in seeing the glass as half full rather than empty.